
Monday, March 5, 2012

Death of a smile

The sky was an unusual shade of orange, a shade that's witnessed only in abstract paintings. I stood by the window soaking in this rare mixture of blue and red. Imbued with a renewed sense of serenity, I readied myself for History class. I collected my bag, and my thoughts, and left for class. The air outside was dense; it was cold. Breathing didn't come with the usual freedom, every breath was a mini struggle against the powerful gusts of wind. Just because I am losing doesn't mean I am lost. You tell them, Chris.

History was interesting. As usual. Men waging war against each other. Annexing the weak, allying with the strong. Powerful men with good intentions, good men with bad intentions; war spares none. When their blood flows in rivers, it flows as one. And then there are the victors, living in a false sense of grandeur. Little do they realize that, in war, only the degree of suffrage varies. A lose-lose. No light at the end of this tunnel.

After my classes for the day, I was waiting to take the bus home. Then I heard it: the staccato siren of an ambulance. The noise grew louder as the ambulance came closer. I looked around. A girl wearing a white shirt came into focus; she wasn't perturbed or put off. She continued to chew her gum, eyes fixed on her iPhone. The ambulance was now in view. All other vehicles made way for the ambulance, increasing the chance of survival of the person fighting for his/her soul. Then the siren was no longer within earshot. The girl didn't raise her head to give a glance at the passing ambulance. Except she had a smile on...

Here was life's darker side, misery, spreading out it's pernicious tentacles, and consuming a person's happiness. Disrupting their norm by infusing doubt and uncertainty. These tentacles have no pattern. There is no tutorial to prepare us, no guide to lead us. A spectator today could become the protagonist tomorrow. Except, in life, fairy tale endings are a myth and limited only to fiction. 

We come from nothingness; we return to nothingness.